Ainsley Coggins

“Being involved in a small business outside of work means I can bridge the gap between accountant and business owner really well.”

Ainsley has a logical brain and likes things to balance. Coupled with a natural ability for maths (first evident early in school reports!) a career in accounting was always likely.

A straightforward manner is one of Ainsley’s major strengths. Clients appreciate her down-to-earth attitude and ability to explain things clearly. As part-owner of a business outside of work, Ainsley appreciates the day-to-day challenges, stresses and strains that business owners face. It means she cuts to the chase and makes the complex simple.

Her biggest enjoyment is getting a positive outcome where a client doesn’t think this is possible. Often clients present a problem or a situation where they believe the only outcome can be negative. But Ainsley makes it her personal challenge to turn a negative into a positive whenever possible.

Ainsley has had particular success being thrown in at the deep end as an outsourced CFO and is able to hit the ground running in any situation. Her organisational skills come in really handy but it’s really her ability to create immediate empathy with clients that means she is trusted as a safe pair of hands.

In a nutshell:

Straightforward and effective

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